South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders

Saytda axtarış
Azerbaijan: Charitable marathon in support of "prisoners of conscience"
In Azerbaijan, the Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety (IRFS) has started a charitable campaign named "Marathon in support of 'prisoners of conscience'". The action is dated to the Day of National Press marked annually on July 22.

As reported by the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent, at today's press conference Emin Guseinov, Director of the IRFS, reported that the aim of the campaign is to provide material and moral support to the imprisoned journalist Einullah Fatullaev and young bloggers Emin Milli and Adnan Gadjizade and their family members. The funds raised during the month of this charitable action will be delivered on July 22 to the convicts' parents, as Mr Guseinov promised.

"The participation in the charitable marathon is voluntary and open for both citizens of Azerbaijan and foreigners aged 18 and up. There're no minimal and maximal limits for donations. People may take part under pseudonyms," said the IRFS director.

Apart from the marathon, it is planned to adopt, on the occasion of the 135th anniversary of the national press to be marked on July 22, an appeal to President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliev urging him to sanction release of the journalist and bloggers.

The appeal will also ask to make a decision to award the name of Elmar Guseinov, editor-in-chief of the "Monitor" magazine, assassinated on March 2, 2005, to one of streets in Baku, and erect a monument to the late journalist in the "Metbuat" (Press) Avenue in Baku.



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