South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders

Saytda axtarış
Georgia: the Human Rights Centre organized a roundtable
On October 12, 2010 the Human Rights Centre organized a roundtable “Human Rights protection in  Georgia: challenges, setbacks and potential for improvements.” Georgian members and partner organizations of the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders, Public Defender of Georgia, as well as delegations of international organizations to Georgia - EU, COE, UNHCR, GTZ and representatives of embassies of EU member states participated in the roundtable.   

Georgia: Regional Meeting of the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders were held in Tbilisi
Meeting between diplomats, human rights defenders and journalists in the office of the Human Rights Center (HRIDC)

დამიანის უფლებები – ჩემი ყოველდღიურობა
25 დეკემბერს, არტ – კაფე „ქარავანში“ საუკეთესო ჟურნალისტური გამოძიების ავტორი ჟურნალისტები დააჯილდოვეს. კონკურსი სახელწოდებით „ადამიანის უფლებები – ჩემი ყოველდღიურობა“ „ადამიანის უფლებათა ცენტრისა“ და „უფლებადამცველთა სამხრეთკავკასიური ქსელის“ ორგანიზებით ჩატარდა.
Anti-Violence Network of Georgia held a decorative art exhibition in Tbilisi

10th anniversary of Public Movement Multinational Georgia
On 28 November, 2009 Public Movement Multinational Georgia (PMMG), a member of the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders celebrated 10 years anniversary since the initiation of its activities.
On November 25, 2009 on the initiative of Human Rights Center and the South Caucasus Network for Human Rights Defenders, a silent protest action was held in front of the Parliament of Georgia. The human rights defenders from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia which are the members of the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders together with a representative of the Human Rights House Foundation from Norway and other representatives of Georgian NGO community made a protest against the arbitrary detention of the activists of “7 November” movement by patrol police on November 23, 2009.
Second regional meeting of the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders held in Tbilisi - photoreportage

Political Prisoners Day
On the 30th of October – International Day of Solidarity to Political Prisoners the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders expresses its deep solidarity to those who face imprisonment or other forms of persecution on political grounds in any country regardless of frontiers.
The Network expresses particular concern that political prisoners exist in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia and call upon the governments of these countries to release these people and to stop persecuting people on political grounds.



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