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Georgian, Ossetian, Abkhazian and Armenian Young People Met in Erevan

On February 16-19, dialogue and introductory meetings took place in Erevan in the frame of project For the Transformation of Georgian-Abkhazian and Georgian-Ossetian Conflicts. Georgian, Ossetian, Abkhaz and Armenian (one from Karabakh) young people met in the hotel Universitetskaia in Erevan.

The project was implemented with the partnership of 5 organizations – Information Center on Conflict and Negotiation (ICCN, Tbilisi), World without Violence (Sokhumi), Agency for Economic, Social and Cultural Development (Tskhinvali), Berghof Foundation and IKV Pax Christi.

The project goal is to introduce young people with the conflicts in post-soviet countries, to bring Georgian, Ossetian and Abkhaz youngsters together and to promote dialogue between them, develop their training management and skills.
The age of participants varies between 22 and 32. ICCN was organizer of the meeting in Erevan; 7-7 young people from Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, two from Armenia and one from Karabakh participated in the meeting. Two youngsters were to participate from Azerbaijan but because of political conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan they could not arrive in Armenia.

Meeting in Erevan was the 18th in the frame of the dialogue. Main meetings took place in Kosovo, Moldova and Armenia; in between those meetings participants met in Sokhumi, Tskhinvali and Tbilisi.

Topic of trainings in Erevan was communication, conflict analysis, stereotypes, active listening, negotiations, facilitation, and mediation.
Dialogue participants represent different professions; they are lawyers, human rights defenders, specialists of international relations, psychologists and journalists.
The process started with training and preparation of facilitators and trainings that turned into self-regulated dialogue and in Erevan young facilitators held the training. It was carried out in interactive method.

ICCN’s representatives said it is significant that Georgian, Abkhaz and Ossetian participants managed to jointly plan and conduct the training. Participants said they increased their experience by joint work.

The process started in 2008 and more than 160 young people from Georgian, Abkhazian and Ossetian sides participated in it; later on they held trainings in Sokhumi, Tskhinvali and Tbilisi and shared received experience with local interested society. The process was covered by Sokhumi TV-Channel.

The organizers said the Erevan’s meeting was particularly successful. The meeting was organized with financial support of the Black Sea Trust.


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